Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Reunion Reprise

Thank you to all who planned and hosted the reunion this year. I wasn't able to attend all of the events, but I sure enjoyed the time I had with everyone at the park.

Steve Roth took some amazing photos. My favorite was the one of (right to left) Pert, the Deke, MW, and myself laughing our heads off. Wish I could show you the picture, but you'll have to go here: '71-'72-'73 Multi-Class Reunion and look at picture # 17. I'm not sure what we were discussing at that time, but we had some great conversations.

I really enjoyed talking with numerous classmates. It was great to hear where they were living, working, and how their lives have grown since we were kids. We reminisced a lot, and told (or heard) some stories about those times that some of us never knew before. It was a great time, and I wished I could have stuck around for more.


Christy Woolum said...

Welcome home! I wish I could have made it to the reunion. The pictures are great.

Pinehurst in my Dreams said...

I wish you had been there also. I only went to the park, but as you can tell, I had fun!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time revisiting the past. It's so fun to see and hear all the changes in people we knew 'when'.

Pinehurst in my Dreams said...

It was fun. I went to our 20th reunion, but skipped the 30th. (This was the 35th). I think people have finally reached the point where they don't care what the other's think. . .and that is good. We all have had a lot more years out of school than we had in school, so the old "pecking order" is passe'.